
Lab 7

Ryerson University


The presentations are exercises on material covered in class and in sections 2.3 and 2.4 of the textbook.

Additional Instructions

Presentations A to E

For all presentations from section 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4, first give the argument form of all the arguments you are working with. In other words, please rewrite all the English statements of the arguments into symbolic form using formal set notation. For example "all cats are black" could be rewritten as:

x ∈ A, c(x) → b(x) or C ⊆ B.


From the textbook:

Presentation Exercise(s) Difficulty Level
A p. 96 #43,45
Rewrite these statements formally to explain your work.
B p. 110 #34ab, 35ab
In parts b, first write the negation symbolically and then informally.
C p. 110 #46, #50
Also give the statement and its negation in Tarski (Tilomino) Notation.
D p. 110 #54, #55 Hard
E p. 122 #11,12 Easy
F p. 123 #20 Hard
G p. 123 #29
First rewrite the statement in symbolic form using Tarski syntax.
H Normal Forms and Resolution Handout: #1d, 3d. Medium
I Normal Forms and Resolution Handout: #6 Hard

Levels of Difficulty

There are three levels of difficulty: Easy, Medium and Hard.
By the end of the course, each student will have had the opportunity to present at least one exercise at each level.

Maintained by Peter Danziger.
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Last modified Friday, 23-Oct-2009 22:06:43 EDT