
Tutorial 5

Ryerson University

Introduction to Graph Theory


This tutorial covers material from section 11.1 and 11.2 of the textbook. Page and exercise numbers are from the course textbook.

Tutorial 5

  1. p. 663 #17, 20, 26

  2. p. 664 #40, 42

  3. p 680 #4, 6c, 7, 8c

  4. p. 681 #15, 20

  5. p. 681 #24, 31

  6. Note that this question is an expansion of p. 683 #47 and 48.
    For what values of n (and m where appropriate) do the following graphs have:
    1. An Eulerian Circuit
    2. A Hamiltonian Circuit.
    Explain your answers.
    1. The complete graph Kn.
    2. The complete bipartite graph Km,n.
    3. The circuit Cn.
    4. The simple path Pn.
    5. A diconnected graph with n edges.

This page is maintained by Peter Danziger.
Last modified Friday, 05-Feb-2010 15:32:12 EST